Saturday, December 29, 2012

Spring Framework Data Access Object support - templates

Spring supports Data Access Object with 3 standard possible ways:

JDBC Templates
Hibernate Contextual Sessions
JPA Based templates

XML bean wiring includes follows:
Datasource configuration - JNDI or connection pool based
Wire template class with property to use the above datasource

JDBC Templates are for applications that are very small and requires quick development. Still will not support things like lazy loading, eager loading, cascade deletes, objects graph.

Hibernate Contextual sessions will support what is not supported by JDBC as mentioned above.

JPA based templates are JEE based standard and supports variety of frameworks from different vendors.

The templates are boiler plate code that is provided by Spring framework to write just the database access code and not worry about connection opening, closing, cleaning up of objects.

Had a good read on the above.

Tejas Bavishi

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Spring, Vaadin and CloudFoundry

There is  a good presentation on building web applications which are cloud based using Spring framework, Vaadin and CloudFoundry.

The presentation is here to build on the idea -

Happy reading :)

Tejas Bavishi


Hadoop in Practice book

Hadoop in practice book is available on

This book looks promising for developers and architects, though I am still to read this book.

The book covers various practical approaches (practices) to various components of a Big Data or Hadoop based system.

Here's the link to the book - Hadoop in Practice Book

Happy reading :)

Tejas Bavishi


Some more features of platform

Advantages of platform:

  • Database design driven application development on cloud infrastructure
  • In built support for multiple browser compatibility
  • Developer registration is free
  • A wizard like interface that guides the developers to create cloud based web applications
  • A complete stack for the web application including database design,
    • UI forms,
    • security,
    • Wizard driven validation rules creation,
    • wizard driven business
    • rules creation,
    • creating workflows,
    • Report creation,
    • Apex programming language - Java like programming language,
    • VisualForce - a tag based visual
    • programming language,
    • support for MVC like web application development,
    • support for writing test cases to test the code.
There are many more features to this platform and is very effective for ISVs to create their applications on this platform.


Tejas Bavishi

Sunday, December 9, 2012 platform

Recently, I happen to visit the platform web site and thought of finding out the benefits of this platform for Cloud based application development.

There are many reviews for this on internet, one of this is here -

There is a complete eco system for platform, like developer community with certification programmes, companies directory for techies who can build apps for customers, online documentation, tools available for development, etc

Worth evaluating this option for new cloud application development.

Tejas Bavishi